Record Change PeopleCode

Record Change PeopleCode

How to check record change PeopleCode in peoplesoft. I have the example about checking record in saveprechange event, field change event or save edit of PeopleCode. Define page has scroll area in level 1 and the user can edit the value of each field. When the user changes data and saves data then system update date time and operator id.

Example 1

Example 2: Check record change from some field in page in scroll area level 1. This code using for loop all record in level one. If record changed then update filed last_emplid and LAST_UPDATE_DTTM1. I replace code at SavePreChange action of record contracts (saveedit, savepostchange,etc).

Exmaple 3: The code would execute on level one, checks rows on level two to determine which have been changed



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