How to use Meta HTML PeopleSoft

How to use Meta HTML PeopleSoft

How to use Meta HTML PeopleSoft by use HTML object. The HTML Object creates in 2 way.

1. Create HTML object in application designer.


You call HTML Object by use function PeopleCode is GetHTMLText().  

You call HTML Object and pass a value in code HTML by using this syntax and past this code of each requirement.

DERIVED_WRK.HTMLAREA =GetHTMLText(HTML.CONTRACTS_RENEW, “parameter1”, “parameter2”);

2. You can create HTML Object in the navigation of PeopleSoft at PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding Object and upload your HTML object.

You call HTML Object by use function PeopleCode is GetHTMLText().  

You call HTML Object and pass a value in code HTML by using this syntax and past this code of each requirement.

DERIVED_WRK.HTMLAREA =GetHTMLText(HTML.CONTRACTS_RENEW, “parameter1”, “parameter2”);

Messagebox Syntax in PeopleCode

Messagebox Syntax in PeopleCode

Messagebox Syntax in PeopleCode of PeopleSoft for popup message has many styles of each requirement.

MessageBox Syntax

MessageBox(style, title, message_set, message_num, default_txt [, paramlist])

where param list is an arbitrary-length list of parameters of undetermined (Any) data type to be substituted in the resulting text string, in the form:

param1 [, param2]. . .


Use the MessageBox function to display a message box window. This function combines dialog-display ability with the text-selection functionality of MsgGet, MsgGetText, or MsgGetExplainText. The style parameter selects the buttons to be included. title determines the title of the message.

For Example :

MessageBox(1, “”, 0, 0, “Messagebox use value of style box = 1”, “”, “”);

More Example Click Here


Peoplesoft Message Catalog Table

Peoplesoft Message Catalog Table

Navigation of Peoplesoft Message Catalog Table:  PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Message Catalog

  • By default language

Step 1. input Message Set Number, description and description short

Message Set Number store in a table: PSMSGSETDEFN

Using  SQL for select data by this syntax

Step 2. input Message Number and detail

Message Number store in a table: PSMSGCATDEFN

Using SQL for select Detail of message catalog and message number


  • By owner language

select message catalog and detail by PSMSGSETLANG

select detail in message number of message catalog by PSMSGCATLANG

You can using this message catalog in peoplesoft for store html, sql, dynamic sql, description,  bind variables and use data in page or scroll area or grid of each requirements by using select sql of catalog table or use function in peoplesoft such as msggettext or  msggetexplaintext in peoplecode language.

More learning at How to use MsgGet, MsgGetText and MsgGetExplainText by Peoplecode Function of Peoplesoft

Bypass Search page in a Component

Bypass Search page in a Component

Bypass Search page in a Component

1. You can use function peoplecode setsearchdialogbehavior(0)  at searchinit keyfield for bypass search record.

  • setsearchdialogbehavior(0)  for skip if possible search record
  • setsearchdialogbehavior(1)  for force display search record

2. Use search record is INSTALLATIION

or use record no search key or Derived/Work record


More detail about search record dialog box of the component

Force Search Processing 

  • If select the Checkbox then even if the above conditions are true, the system will always display the search dialog box.
  • Clear Checkbox Force Search Processing (The Default is cleared)
  1. If all required keys have been provided (either by system defaults or by PeopleCode).
  2. If this an Add dialog box, then no “duplicate key error” results from the provided keys; if this error occurs, the processing resets to the default behavior.
  3. If this is a Search dialog box, then at least one row is returned based on the provided keys.



How to transfer a page from one component to a page in another component

How to transfer a page from one component to a page in another component

How to transfer a page from one component to a page in another component by peoplecode function in peoplesoft

Transfer function for transfer page from one page to the other page in difference component/ current component.
Syntax of transfer
Transfer(new_instance, MENUNAME.menuname, BARNAME.barname, ITEMNAME.menu_itemname, PAGE.component_item_name, action [, keylist] [, AutoSearch]);


TransferExact(new_instance, MENUNAME.menuname, BARNAME.barname, ITEMNAME.menu_itemname, PAGE.component_item_name, action [, keylist] [, AutoSearch])

For example PeopleCode


Use the TransferExact function to close the current page and transfers the user to another page, either within the current component or in another component. TransferExact can either start a new instance of the application and transfer to the new page there, or close the old page and transfer to the new one in the same instance of PeopleTools.


How To Find and Change Current Style Sheet in PeopleSoft

How To Find and Change Current Style Sheet in PeopleSoft

How To Find and Change Current Style Sheet in PeopleSoft. If you change or check name of default style sheet font in PeopleSoft then you go to menu : PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > PeopleTools Options

Default Style Sheet Name

Default Style Sheet for different Application Version.
Version 9.0 and earlier = PSSTYLEDEF

System Options for default style sheet name. 

Select the system options and defaults. Most of the values can be overridden by the registry options, and by the defined collection.

Menu : PeopleTools > Portal > Portal Utilities > System Options

Registry Options 

Select the registry specific options and defaults. These values will override the defined system options. Most of the values can be overridden by a defined collection. When adding the registry options, the values have initially defaulted on the system options. Click ‘Delete Registry Override’ to revert to the system defaults for the selected registry.

Menu : PeopleTools > Portal > Portal Utlities > Registry Options

And use this SQL for check default style sheet


If you want to change style sheet name, you need to go to each of the above navigation and change the value of style sheet name and clear cache of ppp and web server for changes to take effect.


How to send multiple pdf files in email by peoplecode of peoplesoft

How to send multiple pdf files in email by peoplecode of peoplesoft

How to send multiple pdf files in email by peoplecode of peoplesoft. You can use this code for send other type of file such as txt, csv.


&MAIL_FILES=&filenamepaht1| “”;”” |&filenamepaht2| “”;”” |&filenamepaht3;
&MAIL_TITLES = “”filename1.pdf;filename2.pdf;filename3.pdf””;


peoplesoft application engine trace

peoplesoft application engine trace

How to use peoplesoft application engine trace.

1. Go to the process definition of that AE(Application Engine) in menu PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Processes.
2. Go to Override options of Precess AE.
3. Choose parameter list –> Append –> Add “”-TRACE 3″”
4. Save the process definition.
5. Run the process and go to the view log/trace and you will find the trace.

-TRACE output goes into Application Engine Trace (.AET)
-TOOLSTRACEPC output goes into the PeopleTools trace file (.trc)


or use -TRACE 7 -TOOLSTRACEPC 4044


sqlexec peoplecode

sqlexec peoplecode

How to use sqlexec peoplecode for select update insert or delete  of each requirements by syntax of function in peoplesoft.

sqlexec ({sqlcmd | SQL.sqlname}, bindexprs, outputvars)

The sqlexec function can only select a single row of data. If your sql statement (or your sql.sqlname statement) retrieves more than one row of data, the function peoplecode send result only the first row to its output variables.

For example

sqlexec(“select name from ps_name where emplid =:1”,&Emplid,&Name_Emp);




&sqltext = “select name from ps_name “;
&sqltext = &sqltext | ” where emplid =:1″;

SQLExec(&sqltext, &Emplid,&Name_Emp);