How do I find menu navigation in PeopleSoft

How do I find navigation in PeopleSoft

Result query

SQL queries find menu navigation in peoplesoft by component name

How to get navigation using process name in PeopleSoft?

Query Result

How to get navigation using process name in PeopleSoft


Referrence 1:
Referrence 2:

SQL Query all Records with PeopleSoft Component

SQL Query for Retrieve all Records associated with a PeopleSoft Component

Result SQL

SQL query record peoplesoft component

Result query

SQL queries to retrive all record in peoplesoft component


Reference :

peoplesoft process scheduler tables

Peoplesoft process scheduler tables

  • PS_PRCSDEFN – Process Definition Header
  • PS_PRCSDEFNGRP – Process Group
  • PS_PRCSDEFNPNL – Component
  • PS_PRCSJOBDEFN – Job Header
  • PSPRCSRQST – Process Request Instances
  • PS_PRCSJOBITEM – Job Processes
  • PSPRCSQUE – Process Request Queue
  • PSPRCSPARMS – Contains process request parameters used by Process Scheduler to run the process
  • PS_PRCSRQSTDIST – Content Dist Manager – User access. This table is used to authorize user access to the content
  • PS_MESSAGE_LOG – Message log table
  • PSPRCSRQSTTEXT – Process Request Text. Contains all long text fields associated with a process request
  • PS_MESSAGE_LOGPARM – Parameters used for Message log
  • PSPRCSRQSTXFER – Process Request – Transfer. This record contains the panel transfer keys for a process request that has a panel transfer in it’s definition.
  • PS_CDM_LIST – Content Distribution Manager – Content List. This record is used by Content Distribution Manager to sore the content list that are sent to the content repository.
  • PS_PRCSDEFNLANG – Related language for all process definitions
  • PS_PRCSDEFNXFER – Process definition – Panel transfers. Used to setup information related to allow users to transfer to a desired page upon successful completion of the program from Process Monitor
  • PS_PRCSDEFNNOTIFY – Process definition – notifications. The table contains information on all the users or roles to be notified based on the process status
  • PS_PRCSDEFNCNTDIST – Process definition – Distribution. The table contains list of users or roles authorized to view all generated reports and/or logs for the process
  • PS_PRCSDEFNMESSAGE – Process definition messages
  • PS_PRCSDEFNMETA – used to sore any metastring for JCL in OS 390.


Position Management Error Updating Incumbent with Employee ID xx, Employee Record number 0, (1000,1358)

Position Management Error: “Error Updating Incumbent with Employee ID xx, Employee Record number 0

Position Management Error: “Error Updating Incumbent with Employee ID xx, Employee Record #0, (1000,1358)”. Error updating incumbent record when Position data is updated online or through a CI


When you update the Position Record, and the “Update Incumbents” check box is checked, after saving the record, the system returns message (1000,1358) stating that an error occurred when updating one or more incumbents. The incumbent’s job record is not updated as expected. Performing the same task with other positions does not give this warning and incumbent records are updated. If the position has more than one active incumbent, some incumbents may be updated.

1. Navigate to Organizational Development > Position Management > Maintain Positions/Budgets > Add/Update Position. Open a position and change data on the position.
2. Verify the “Update Incumbents” box is checked on the Specific Information tab.
3. Click Save.

Error updating incumbent with Employee ID xx, Employee Record #0, (1000,1358).
An error occurred when updating one or more incumbent(s) through the update incumbent function.
Check the CI log for more information.



Solution 1 – Check Job Data Setup

  1. Go to the Job Data page for the specified emplid
  2. Try doing similar changes in Job Data page by overriding the position data in a new row or existing row(as per requirement)
  3. Now save the Job data page and correct all the error messages that comes up. In this process the error message which caused the position data CI to error out will also appear.
  4. Try correcting this data condition and update data through position data page or CI and the data would get saved.
  5. If this does not help, go to customer connection and check for bundles.

Solution 2

2.1 Check Job Data Setup

This error is most often caused by data in the employee’s job record that triggers a warning when Position Management attempts to update the job record. The purpose of the message is to inform the user thathuman interaction with the system is required to save the job record for those incumbents.  The automated process cannot correct the data or select OK for warnings.

  1. Navigate to Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data. Open the employee’s Job Record that is mentioned in the message.
  2. Insert a new row in Job Data and change the same data which you were trying to change on the Position Data record, e.g. Location, Business Unit, etc.
  3. Save the record.
  4. Respond appropriate to all warnings and errors until the Job record is saved.

Note:  If there is a high volume of job records that require manual intervention in order for Update Incumbent’s process to update them, then you might want to track and analyze those responses that are needed to save the records.  Before making large organizational changes that will require lots of position updates, you might want to perform a sample of these changes in a copy of production.  You might identify data conditions in your Job Records that should/could be corrected before updating the positions, in order to reduce the number of human interventions that are required.

If the issue is not resolved by correcting data deficiencies in the Job Records, then please review the list of bugs below that have caused this error in the past.

2.2 – Check for Action Reason

Another cause of this issue is not having an Action Reason in the Position data while adding a row.  This will cause the error as the Action Reason is used to populate Job Data when adding a new row.

2.3 – Check for Possible Known Bugs

When setup has been ruled out as a possible root cause, it is often good to investigate bugs to see if any problems have been reported with this error. The table below lists bugs that have been reported as of the last update date for this note which cause this symptom.


ref 1 :
ref 2:

How to Add Update Image through Page Peoplesoft

How to Add Update Image through Page Peoplesoft

How to Add Update Image through Page Peoplesoft?

Naviation menu at  PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding System Options > Image

After select Image tab then click at link name Upload Image Object  at below picture

How to Add Update Image through Page Peoplesoft

Define Name of exists image or new image and input description and select image type then chose file upload image.


Error:unique constraint (SYSADM.PS_PSPROJECTWORK)

Error:unique constraint (SYSADM.PS_PSPROJECTWORK)

If you found Error:unique constraint (SYSADM.PS_PSPROJECTWORK) when i compare project between 2 database on application designer.

Cause this problem has some field of LABEL_ID is blank in table PSDBFLDLABL.

You can check by this SQL.


Solution: You have to define label id of this field

PeopleSoft Correction Mode

PeopleSoft Correction Mode

PeopleSoft Correction Mode

Mode of Correction: Select to update any rows (history, current, and future) in an effective-dated record. Use only with effective-dated records. This information is translated to correct history at runtime.

You can check all %mode PeopleSoft by SQL



%mode peoplesoft

%mode peoplesoft

%mode peoplesoft returns a String value consisting of an uppercase character specifying the action a user selected when starting the current component. The following values can be returned. You can check either for the string value (“A”, “U”, and so on.) or for the constant:

Numeric Value

Constant Value










Update/Display All






Data Entry






Peoplesoft Tables

Peoplesoft Tables

Peoplesoft Tables Lists.


PSPROJECTDEFN — Project header table
PSPROJECTITEM — Definitions in the project


PSDBFIELD — Fields in the system
PSXLATITEM — Translate Values


PSRECDEFN — Record header table (record types)
PSRECFIELD — Fields in the record (subrecords not expanded)
PSRECFIELDALL — Fields in the record (subrecords expanded)
PSTBLSPCCAT — Tablespaces
PSRECTBLSPC — Records’ tablespace assignments


(Note: Pages still have the name panels in the PeopleTools table names)
PSPNLDEFN — Page header table
PSPNLFIELD — Page controls (field types/FIELDTYPE)
PSPNLHTMLAREA — Static HTML Areas on Pages
PSPNLCNTRLDATA — stores additional attributes for Page controls
PSPNLFIELDEXT — stores additional attributes for Page controls
PSPTPNLRTEDITOR — new PeopleTools 8.50 table that stores attributes relating to the rich-text editor for long character fields.


(Note: Components still have the name panel group in the PeopleTools table names)
PSPNLGRPDEFN — Component header table
PSPNLGROUP — Pages in the components

Component Interface

PSBCDEFN — header record; one row for each component interface
PSBCITEM — one row for each property


PSMENUDEFN — Menu header table
PSMENUITEM — Items (components) on the menu


PSCLASSDEFN — Permission List header table
PSAUTHITEM — Menu items granted security by permission lists
PSROLEDEFN — Role header table
PSROLECLASS — Permission Lists in roles
PSOPRDEFN — User ID header table
PSROLEUSER — Roles granted to users
PSAUTHBUSCOMP — Access to Component Interfaces

Process Scheduler

PS_PRCSDEFN — Process Definition Header
PS_PRCSDEFNGRP — Process Group
PSPRCSRQST — Process Request Instances
PS_PRCSJOBITEM — Job Processes


PSPRSMDEFN — Content References and Folders
PSPRUHTABPGLT — Portal User HP Tab Pagelet
PSPRUHDEFN — Homepage definition (from here)
PSPRUHTAB — Homepage Tab (from here)
PSWEBPROFNVP — Web Profile Settings

Change Control

PSCHGCTLHIST — shows history of locked definitions with project name, incident, and description
PSCHGCTLLOCK — shows definitions that are currently locked

Application Engine

PSAEAPPLDEFN — header record; 1 row per app engine
PSAEAPPLSTATE — state records assigned to app engines
PSAEAPPLTEMPTBL — temp tables assigned to app engines
PSAESTMTDEFN — actions (action types)

HTML Definitions

PSCONTDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
PSCONTENT — stores actual text in the HTML definition

SQL Definitions

PSSQLDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
PSSQLTEXTDEFN — stores actual text in the SQL definition

File Layout Definitions

PSFLDDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
PSFLDSEGDEFN — stores the segments for each layout
PSFLDFIELDDEFN — stores the fields for each layout


APPR_RULE_DETL – Approval Rule Defn Details
APPR_RULE_FIELD – Approval Rule Defn Route Cntl
APPR_RULE_AMT – Approval Rule Amounts
RTE_CNTL_LN – Route Control Profile Line
RTE_CNTL_RUSER – RoleUser Route Cntl Profiles
RTE_CNTL_TYPE – Route Control Type
RTE_CNTL_HDR – Routing Control Type
PSWORKLIST — list of work items for each user
PS_WF_INSTSTATUS — description of the status





addattachment peoplecode

addattachment peoplecode

addattachment peoplecode example

AddAttachment :  You can use the this function to upload one file from an end user machine to a specified storage location. To upload more than one file with a single function call, use the MAddAttachment function.

Syntax of AddAttachment:

AddAttachment(URLDestination, DirAndFilePrefix, FileType, UserFileName[, MaxSize [, PreserveCase[, UploadPageTitle[, AllowLargeChunks]]]])

&retcode = AddAttachment(“record://PSFILE_ATTDET”, ATTACHSYSFILENAME, “”, ATTACHUSERFILE, 0);

If you can upload more find then using peoplecode function “MAddAttachment”


Syntax of MAddAttachment:

MAddAttachment(URLDestination, DirAndFilePrefix, Prompts, &UserFileArray, &ActualSizeArray, &DetailedReturnCodeArrayName [, MaxSize [, PreserveCase[, UploadPageTitle[, AllowLargeChunks[, StopOnError]]]]])

&retcode = MAddAttachment(URL.MYFTP, ATTACHSYSFILENAME, 4, &MyFileArray, &MySzArray, &MyRtrnCodeArray, 0, False, “Upload Attachments”, False, True);
The following example demonstrates initialization of the arrays used to store the values returned by MAddAttachment:

&prompts = 2;
Local array of string &AttachUsrFiles;
&AttachUsrFiles = CreateArrayRept(“”, 0);

Local array of number &AttachSzs;
&AttachSzs = CreateArrayRept(0, 0);

Local array of number &AttachRtrnCds;
&AttachRtrnCds = CreateArrayRept(0, 0);

If Exact(Left(&URL_ID, 4), “URL.”) Then
&sum_rt_cd = MAddAttachment(@(&URL_ID), ATTACHSYSFILENAME, &prompts, &AttachUsrFiles, &AttachSzs, &AttachRtrnCds);
&sum_rt_cd = MAddAttachment(&URL_ID, ATTACHSYSFILENAME, &prompts, &AttachUsrFiles, &AttachSzs, &AttachRtrnCds);



