How to use Peoplecode in Application Engineto copy one File to FTP or Database Server

How to use PeopleCode in Application Engine to copy one File to FTP or Database Server

[Purpose: if the application server is on Unix and the files are on NT/LAN – write an app engine program, start it from a page button, etc. on app server (Unix), but force it to run on process scheduler on NT or Windows that has access to LAN]

Local File &MYFILE;
Local string &ATTACHUSERFILE, &ATTACHSYSFILENAME, &fname, &fname_provided, &Date_Time;
/*Local array of string &FNAMES;*/
/*&FNAMES = FindFiles(RUN_CNTL_HR.WHERE_CLAUSE, %FilePath_Absolute); /* Use for Multiple Files – Store paths of all files on a folder to an Array */
/*While &FNAMES.Len > 0*/

/*&URL_ID = “”;*/
/*&URL_ID = “”;*/

/*fname_provided = RUN_CNTL_HR.WHERE_CLAUSE;*/
/*name_provided = “/sw/app/psoft/psofthr/OSGN5.pdf”;*/
/*&fname_provided = “/sw/app/psoft/psofthr/OSGN.pdf”; — if the app server is on Unix – file on Unix also*/
&fname_provided = “\\sy-hr9upg\hrdev\ps\test1\OSGN5.docx”;

/* if the app server is on NT – file on NT also – follow UNC naming convention*/
/* if the app server is on unix and the files are on NT – write an app engine program, start it from a page button, but force it to run on NT */

&MYFILE = GetFile(&fname_provided, “R”, %FilePath_Absolute); /* get the file */
&Date_Time = DateTimeToLocalizedString(%Datetime, “yyyyMMdd_HHmmss”);
&ATTACHUSERFILE = &MYFILE.Name; /* Actual File Name with path */
&fname = Substitute(&MYFILE.Name, “:\”, “_”);
&fname = Substitute(&fname, “\”, “_”);
&fname = Substitute(&fname, “/”, “_”);
&fname = Substitute(&fname, ” “, “_”);
&ATTACHSYSFILENAME = Replace(&fname, Len(&fname) – 3, 0, “_” | &Date_Time | “_” | &file_no);

/* Unique name – same name may overwrite old file */
If Exact(Left(&URL_ID, 4), “URL.”) Then
&return_code = PutAttachment(@(&URL_ID), &ATTACHSYSFILENAME, &ATTACHUSERFILE); /* Upload file */
&return_code = PutAttachment(&URL_ID, &ATTACHSYSFILENAME, &ATTACHUSERFILE); /* Upload file */

/* The following deletes file from the FTP or Database Server.
If Exact(Left(&URL_ID, 4), “URL.”) Then
   &return_code = DeleteAttachment(@(&URL_ID), &ATTACHSYSFILENAME);
   &return_code = DeleteAttachment(&URL_ID, &ATTACHSYSFILENAME);
/* Use the following code in the main PeopleCode to schedule this app engine directly
&processRqst = CreateProcessRequest();
&processRqst.RunControlID = %Datetime;
&processRqst.ProcessType = “Application Engine”;
&processRqst.ProcessName = “YourAEName”;
&processRqst.RunDateTime = %Datetime;
&processRqst.RunLocation = “PSNT”;

 If &processRqst.Status = 0 Then
   WinMessage(“Success”, 0);
   WinMessage(“Error”, 0);


Posted in Application Engine (AE), Peoplecode.