How to use PeopleCode in Application Engine to copy one File to FTP or Database Server
[Purpose: if the application server is on Unix and the files are on NT/LAN – write an app engine program, start it from a page button, etc. on app server (Unix), but force it to run on process scheduler on NT or Windows that has access to LAN]
Local File &MYFILE;
Local string &ATTACHUSERFILE, &ATTACHSYSFILENAME, &fname, &fname_provided, &Date_Time;
/*Local array of string &FNAMES;*/
/*&FNAMES = FindFiles(RUN_CNTL_HR.WHERE_CLAUSE, %FilePath_Absolute); /* Use for Multiple Files – Store paths of all files on a folder to an Array */
/*While &FNAMES.Len > 0*/
/*&URL_ID = “”;*/
/*&URL_ID = “”;*/
/*fname_provided = RUN_CNTL_HR.WHERE_CLAUSE;*/
/*name_provided = “/sw/app/psoft/psofthr/OSGN5.pdf”;*/
/*&fname_provided = “/sw/app/psoft/psofthr/OSGN.pdf”; — if the app server is on Unix – file on Unix also*/
&fname_provided = “\\sy-hr9upg\hrdev\ps\test1\OSGN5.docx”;
/* if the app server is on NT – file on NT also – follow UNC naming convention*/
/* if the app server is on unix and the files are on NT – write an app engine program, start it from a page button, but force it to run on NT */
&MYFILE = GetFile(&fname_provided, “R”, %FilePath_Absolute); /* get the file */
&Date_Time = DateTimeToLocalizedString(%Datetime, “yyyyMMdd_HHmmss”);
&ATTACHUSERFILE = &MYFILE.Name; /* Actual File Name with path */
&fname = Substitute(&MYFILE.Name, “:\”, “_”);
&fname = Substitute(&fname, “\”, “_”);
&fname = Substitute(&fname, “/”, “_”);
&fname = Substitute(&fname, ” “, “_”);
&ATTACHSYSFILENAME = Replace(&fname, Len(&fname) – 3, 0, “_” | &Date_Time | “_” | &file_no);
/* Unique name – same name may overwrite old file */
If Exact(Left(&URL_ID, 4), “URL.”) Then
&return_code = PutAttachment(@(&URL_ID), &ATTACHSYSFILENAME, &ATTACHUSERFILE); /* Upload file */
&return_code = PutAttachment(&URL_ID, &ATTACHSYSFILENAME, &ATTACHUSERFILE); /* Upload file */
/* The following deletes file from the FTP or Database Server.
If Exact(Left(&URL_ID, 4), “URL.”) Then
&return_code = DeleteAttachment(@(&URL_ID), &ATTACHSYSFILENAME);
&return_code = DeleteAttachment(&URL_ID, &ATTACHSYSFILENAME);
/* Use the following code in the main PeopleCode to schedule this app engine directly
&processRqst = CreateProcessRequest();
&processRqst.RunControlID = %Datetime;
&processRqst.ProcessType = “Application Engine”;
&processRqst.ProcessName = “YourAEName”;
&processRqst.RunDateTime = %Datetime;
&processRqst.RunLocation = “PSNT”;
If &processRqst.Status = 0 Then
WinMessage(“Success”, 0);
WinMessage(“Error”, 0);