union vs union all in sql

union vs union all in sql oracle

The UNION operator is a set operator that combines result sets of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set.
There is a performance hit when using UNION instead of UNION ALL, since the database server must do additional work to remove the duplicate rows, but usually you do not want the duplicates (especially when developing reports).
To identify duplicates, records must be comparable types as well as compatible types. This will depend on the SQL system. For example the system may truncate all long text fields to make short text fields for comparison (MS Jet), or may refuse to compare binary fields (ORACLE)

UNION statement

The following illustrates the syntax of the UNION operator that combines the result sets of two queries:

In this statement, the name1 , mame2 and name3 must have the same number of columns presented in the same order. In addition, the data type of the corresponding column must be in the same data type group such as number or character.

UNION example

Result union statment


UNION ALL statement

UNION ALL example

Result union all statment




Reference :

Oracle UNION


How do I find menu navigation in PeopleSoft

How do I find navigation in PeopleSoft

Result query

SQL queries find menu navigation in peoplesoft by component name

How to get navigation using process name in PeopleSoft?

Query Result

How to get navigation using process name in PeopleSoft


Referrence 1: https://hmahanta.blogspot.com/2021/07/useful-quesries-in-peoplesoft.html
Referrence 2: https://www.shyamsblog.com/2010/10/how-to-get-navigation-using-process.html

SQL Query all Records with PeopleSoft Component

SQL Query for Retrieve all Records associated with a PeopleSoft Component

Result SQL

SQL query record peoplesoft component

Result query

SQL queries to retrive all record in peoplesoft component


Reference : https://hmahanta.blogspot.com/2021/07/useful-quesries-in-peoplesoft.html

peoplesoft process scheduler tables

Peoplesoft process scheduler tables

  • PS_PRCSDEFN – Process Definition Header
  • PS_PRCSDEFNGRP – Process Group
  • PS_PRCSDEFNPNL – Component
  • PS_PRCSJOBDEFN – Job Header
  • PSPRCSRQST – Process Request Instances
  • PS_PRCSJOBITEM – Job Processes
  • PSPRCSQUE – Process Request Queue
  • PSPRCSPARMS – Contains process request parameters used by Process Scheduler to run the process
  • PS_PRCSRQSTDIST – Content Dist Manager – User access. This table is used to authorize user access to the content
  • PS_MESSAGE_LOG – Message log table
  • PSPRCSRQSTTEXT – Process Request Text. Contains all long text fields associated with a process request
  • PS_MESSAGE_LOGPARM – Parameters used for Message log
  • PSPRCSRQSTXFER – Process Request – Transfer. This record contains the panel transfer keys for a process request that has a panel transfer in it’s definition.
  • PS_CDM_LIST – Content Distribution Manager – Content List. This record is used by Content Distribution Manager to sore the content list that are sent to the content repository.
  • PS_PRCSDEFNLANG – Related language for all process definitions
  • PS_PRCSDEFNXFER – Process definition – Panel transfers. Used to setup information related to allow users to transfer to a desired page upon successful completion of the program from Process Monitor
  • PS_PRCSDEFNNOTIFY – Process definition – notifications. The table contains information on all the users or roles to be notified based on the process status
  • PS_PRCSDEFNCNTDIST – Process definition – Distribution. The table contains list of users or roles authorized to view all generated reports and/or logs for the process
  • PS_PRCSDEFNMESSAGE – Process definition messages
  • PS_PRCSDEFNMETA – used to sore any metastring for JCL in OS 390.


sql exec stored procedure

oracle sql exec stored procedure

This syntax sql for execute store procedure in oracle

Procedure Name: JS_WS_GET_ABS_TYPE

How to execute prodecure and print output in sql

Syntax sql for select store procedure in oracle


How to display BLOB image in XML Publisher

How to display BLOB image in XML BI Publisher

BI Publisher – Retrieving images from BLOB data in RFT template

If results XML contains image data that had been stored as a BLOB in the database, then use the following syntax in a form field inserted in the template where you want the image to render at runtime:



<fo:instream-foreign-object content-type=”image/jpg”>
<xsl:value-of select=”.//B.SIGN_TT_IMAGE”/>

display BLOB image in XML BI Publisher


Reference 1 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lUBMxx0pd0
Reference 2 :https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/11119/bip/BIPRD/create_rtf_tmpl.htm#iamge_and_chart