isdigit function peoplecode

isdigit function in peoplecode

isdigit function peoplecode

Use the IsDigits function to determine if String contains only digit (numeric) characters. Numeric characters do not include sign indicators and comma and period decimal points. If you want to check for numbers as well as sign indicators, use the IsNumber function.

Syntax : IsDigits(String)

String : Specify the string you want to search.


&len = Len(&TAX_ID);

rem WinMessage(&TAX_ID | “,” | &len, 0);

If IsDigits(&TAX_ID) = True And
&len = 13 Then
Error “Please input digit number = 13”;

How to use Fetchvalue Peoplecode

Fetchvalue Peoplecode

FetchValue() = FetchValue returns the value of a buffer field in a specific row of a scroll level.

Using fetchvalue in scroll area level when code at fieldchange of record.field in scroll area

Code at fieldchange of record.filed in scroll area or grid at level 1

&companycode = FetchValue(Table_Nmae.COMPANY_ID);

Syntax: FetchValue(scrollpath, target_row, [recordname.]fieldname)

where scrollpath is:

[RECORD.level1_recname, level1_row, [RECORD.level2_recname, level2_row, ]] RECORD.target_recname
To prevent ambiguous references, you can also use SCROLL . scrollname , where scrollname is the same as the scroll levels primary record name.

Use the FetchValue function to return the value of a buffer field in a specific row of a scroll level.

Note: This function remains for backward compatibility only. Use the Value field class property instead.

This function is generally used to retrieve the values of buffer fields outside the current context; if a buffer field is in the current context, you can reference it directly using a [ recordname .] fieldname expression.


scrollpath:      A construction that specifies a scroll level in the component buffer.

target_row:    An integer specifying the row on the target scroll level where the referenced buffer field is located.

[ recordname .] fieldname: The name of the field where the value to fetch is located. The field can be on scroll level one, two, or three of the active page. The recordname prefix is required if the call to FetchValue is not on the record definition recordname.