How to find blank/ tab character string oracle sql

How to find blank/ tab character string oracle SQL

How to find blank/ tab character string oracle SQL

How to replace Line Feeds, Carriage Returns and tabs are the usual culprits and cannot be removed using the standard orLTrimRTrim Functions. You can remove them with the following:

LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(StringCharacter, CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(9), '')))

If you encounter more white space characters that can’t be removed with the above then try one or all of the following:



Difference between Search Record and Add Search Record in Component

Difference between Search Record and Add Search Record in Component

Difference between Search Record and Add Search Record in Component. Detail from Peoplebooks of PeopleSoft.

Search Record Name 
Displays the component’s default search record when you access the component in update or display mode.

Note. You can assign an override search record to a component at the menu level. If the component uses an override search record, the search record displayed in the Override Search Record will be different from this one and you should search it instead.

Add Search Record
Displays the component’s search record when you access the component in add mode or when you want the fields that they users fill out to add a new key to be different from the fields for which they will be searching for the data.

If you use Add Search Record then data field in add mode using from add search record.


For example:

Search Record has keys field1, field2

Add Search Record has keys field1, field2, field3.

When search for the information on Component using from Search Record.
When the mode of Add a new value using Add Search Record that has to enter field1, field2, field3.




setcursorpos peoplecode peoplesoft

setcursorpos peoplecode peoplesoft

SetCursorPos PeopleCode PeopleSoft Using the SetCursorPos to place the focus in a specific field anywhere in the current component. To transfer to a page outside the current component, use Transfer.

SetCursorPos(Page.pagename, scrollpath, target_row, [recordname.]fieldname)

where scroll path is: [RECORD.level1_recname, level1_row, [RECORD.level2_recname, level2_row, ]] RECORD.target_recname

To prevent ambiguous references, you can use SCROLL. scrollname, where scrollname is the same as the scroll level’s primary record name.

peoplesoft setcursorpos level 1

This peoplecode for setcursorpos of field in scroll area or grid level 1

The page name is Page_name

The Record.field is  TS_TBL.DESCR254_5

The row number of the row in which you want to place the cursor is 1.

SetCursorPos(Page.Page_name, TS_TBL.DESCR254_5, 1);

SetCursorPos(Page.Page_name, TS_TBL.DESCR254_5, currentrownumber());

More Example of peoplesoft setcursorpos level 1

setcursorpos peoplecode level 2



Record Level 1 = TS_TRC_TRAN

Row of level 1 = 1

Record level 2 = TS_TRC_FILE

Row of level 2 = 1



PeopleSoft Correction Mode

PeopleSoft Correction Mode

PeopleSoft Correction Mode

Mode of Correction: Select to update any rows (history, current, and future) in an effective-dated record. Use only with effective-dated records. This information is translated to correct history at runtime.

You can check all %mode PeopleSoft by SQL



How to attach BI Publisher Report to an email Peoplecode

How to attach BI Publisher Report to an email PeopleCode

How to attach BI Publisher Report to an email PeopleCode of PeopleSoft. Some requirement from user wants to send mail with attach file pdf, doc, and other from bi publisher report. You can use this code.


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