Dynamic View in Peoplesoft
You can use Dynamic View in Peoplesoft for each purpose such record in grid or scroll area of peoplesoft page or prompt table for search record.
Dynamic view in peoplesoft page
Step1 1 : Create dynamic view and assign it to grid or scroll area
Step 2 : Create sql for flush data to dynamic view in grid or scroll area
Step 3 : Populate data to grid/ scroll area by scrollflush & scroll select
Dynamic view for prompt table
You can read more about create dynamic view table and assign record field properties is prompt table from dynamic view and assign dynamic sql by peoplecode at here.
Step by step dynamic view peoplesoft
1. select fields for your table for use dynamic view prompt table
2. Choose record type = Dynamic View
3. Click to open SQL editor and past sql in record
4. Define prompt table in derived field
5. Past peoplecode of RC of each purpose
/*-- Store SQL in Table and bind parameter :1, :2 --*/ SQLExec("SELECT %textin(DESCR) FROM PS_JLT_HRMS_CODE WHERE JLT_SEQ ='5004'", &SQL_RC_FILTER); &RC_Owner_TOP ='10030'; &sql_str_rc_filter = &SQL_RC_FILTER; /*-- Replace Data in SQL Text --*/ &sql_str_rc_filter = Substitute(&sql_str_rc_filter, ":1", Quote(&RC_Owner_TOP)); &sql_str_rc_filter = Substitute(&sql_str_rc_filter, ":2", JLT_DERIVED_CTR.JLT_CNTRC_RUN.Value); rem WinMessage(&sql_str_rc_filter, 1); DERIVED_CTR.RC.SqlText = " SELECT mm3.RC,mm3.descr100 FROM ps_rc_code mm3 WHERE mm3.RC in ( " | &sql_str_rc_filter | ")"; |
You can define peoplecode in sql text by this syntax at below.
Another way for dynamic table in peoplesoft by using EDITTABLE
1. Select Edits tab of record field and then select Table Edit.
2. Select Prompt table with edit( or No Edit) and past %EDITTABLE in prompt table.
3 : Place field DERIVED.EDITTABLE on the page peoplesoft.
4 : Write code in field change event of purpose field of each requirement.
if &Flag ="Y"; DERIVED.EDITTABLE = "RC1_VW"; Else DERIVED.EDITTABLE = "RC2_VW"; End-fi; |