How to Hide/ Disable Delete Button in Scroll Area or Grid Area by PeopleCode of Peoplesoft
How to Hide/ Disable Delete Button in Scroll Area or Grid Area by PeopleCode of Peoplesoft.
If you grid area or scroll area in level 1 on page peoplecode and do not show delete button on grid some row of record by condition. You can function in peoplecode is DeleteEnabled for hide or show it by condition.
Grid area level 1 in Page
You can hide delete button all row by peoplecode
Local Rowset &rs0, &rs1, &rs1_1, &level1, &level2;
&rs0 = GetLevel0();
&rs1 = &rs0.GetRow(1).GetRowset(Scroll.TABLE_TEST);
&rs1.DeleteEnabled = False;
Result of grid view that hide delete button all row
You can hide delete button some row by peoplecode
Local Rowset &rs0, &rs1, &rs1_1, &level1, &level2;
&rs0 = GetLevel0();
&rs1 = &rs0.GetRow(1).GetRowset(Scroll.TABLE_TEST);For &i = 1 To &rs1.ActiveRowCount
If &i = 3 Then
&rs1(&i).DeleteEnabled = False;
Result of grid view that hide some delete button
if you don’t ues peoplecode for hide all delete button. You hide all delete button by goto
Grid Properties > click tab Use > Click check box at No Row Delete