Dynamic Search Record PeopleSoft

Dynamic Search Record PeopleSoft

How to use peoplesoft dynamic view search record by peplecode.  You can use Dynamic View for prompt table.

Example Prompt table by dynamic view

  1. Create Dynamic view contain field search key and other fields for show on search record
  2. Set Prompt Table in record field properties  = Dynamic view

  1. Use Rowinit Event peoplecode by condition your requirement

RECORD.EMPLID.SqlText = “select emplid from ps_person_name where empl_status = ‘A’ “;

How to Change Grid Column Name of Grid/Scroll level 1 in Peoplecode

How to Change Grid Column Name of Grid/Scroll level 1 in Peoplecode Dynamically

  1. Double Filed Properties in Scroll Area/ Grid and

go to General  Tab and key name of field = ‘LINK’

 How to Change Label Grid/Scroll Column Name in Peoplecode

2. Use PeopleCode at Page Peoplecode

Local Grid &GRID;
Local GridColumn &GRIDCOLUMN;

&GRID = GetGrid(Panel.TEST_MAIN, “COURSE”);

/* Panel.TEST_MAIN = Component,  COURSE = Record Name in Level 1 */

&GRIDCOLUMN.Label = “New Label”


How to Generate XML Publisher from Record Page and Run BI Publisher in PeopleCode

How to Generate XML Publisher from Record Page and Run BI Publisher in PeopleCode

How to select data on scroll area or data grid or data level 0 from page in peoplesoft.

Page for get data for create xml file and run bi publisher by peoplecod.

  1. Create Link or Button and use FieldChange Event : print pdf


2. Create PeopleCode for Run BI Publisher.

2.1 Create XML file for Data of RTF Template (Other Template)

               2.1.1 Create Datasource is XML type before create RTF Template go to Reporting tool > BI Publisher > Data Source

Data Source Type =XML

Data Source = Create Name

2.1.2 Upload xml file

2.1.3 Create Report Definition


2.2 Generate Report By Peoplecode


import EP_FUNCTIONS:EP_Utilities;

Declare Function GetDirSeparator PeopleCode PSXPFUNCLIB.FUNCLIB FieldFormula;
Declare Function GetFileExtension PeopleCode PSXPFUNCLIB.FUNCLIB FieldFormula;

&EP_Utilities = create EP_FUNCTIONS:EP_Utilities();

Local XmlDoc &xmldocRoot = CreateXmlDoc(“<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding = ‘UTF-8’?><root></root>”);
Local XmlNode &nodeRoot = &xmldocRoot.DocumentElement;
Local XmlNode &nodeCurrent, &nodeParent, &nodeEvaluation, &nodeSection, &nodeItem, &nodeSubItem, &nodeEmployee;

/*—- 2.1 Create XML file for Create RTF Template (Other Template) —*/

/*— Selete Data from Page —*/

&nodeCurrent = &nodeRoot.AddElement(“EMPLID”);
&nodeCurrent.NodeValue = TEST_DERIVED.EMPLID;
&nodeCurrent = &nodeRoot.AddElement(“NAME”);
&nodeCurrent.NodeValue = TEST_DERIVED.NAME;
&nodeCurrent = &nodeRoot.AddElement(“NATIONAL_ID”);
&nodeCurrent.NodeValue = TEST_DERIVED.NATIONAL_ID;
&nodeCurrent = &nodeRoot.AddElement(“DEPT_DESCR”);
&nodeCurrent.NodeValue = DEPT_TBL.DESCR254;

/*********Add list Element Scroll Left ***********/
Local Rowset &RS_LEV0, &RS_SECT1, &RS_SECT2;
Local Row &ROW1, &ROW2;

&RS_LEV0 = GetLevel0();
&listNode = &nodeRoot.AddElement(“LIST_ITEM”);

/*—– SCROLL LEFT —-*/
&RS_SECT1 = &RS_LEV0(1).GetRowset(Scroll.TEST_PSVARIABLE);

For &i = 1 To &RS_SECT1.ActiveRowCount

/*– Where condition data in scroll left of page–*/

&subNodeCurrent = &listNode.AddElement(“DESCRIPTION” | &i);
&subNodeCurrent.NodeValue = &RS_SECT1(&i).TEST_PSVARIABLE.DESCRIPTION.Value;

&subNodeCurrent = &listNode.AddElement(“DESCR_CALC” | &i);
&subNodeCurrent.NodeValue = &RS_SECT1(&i).TEST_PSVARIABLE.DESCR_CALC.Value;



/*—– SCROLL RIGHT —-*/

&RS_SECT2 = &RS_LEV0(1).GetRowset(Scroll.TEST_PSVARIABLE2);

For &i = 1 To &RS_SECT2.ActiveRowCount

/*– Where condition data in scroll right of page–*/

&subNodeCurrent = &listNode.AddElement(“DESCRIPTION2” | &i);
&subNodeCurrent.NodeValue = &RS_SECT1(&i).TEST_PSVARIABLE2.DESCRIPTION.Value;

&subNodeCurrent = &listNode.AddElement(“DESCR_CALC2” | &i);
&subNodeCurrent.NodeValue = &RS_SECT2(&i).TEST_PSVARIABLE2.DESCR_CALC.Value;



&sFormattedXML = &xmldocRoot.GenFormattedXmlString();

/*– WinMessage for Get XML File for Data Source of this report –*/


/*— (2.2) Generate Report —*/
Local date &AsOfDate;
Local string &LanguageCd, &MyReportName, &OutFormat, &sTemplateId;

/* detect system directory separator */
rem &sDirSep = GetDirSeparator();
/* create process directory */
rem WinMessage(“%FilePath_Relative : ” | %FilePath_Relative, 0);
CreateDirectory(“XMLP”, %FilePath_Relative);

/* Set XML Publisher report required parameters */
&LanguageCd = %Language_User;
&AsOfDate = %Date;
&MyReportName = “COACHING”;

/* create report defn object */
&oRptDefn = create PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn(&MyReportName);

&oRptDefn.ProcessReport(&sTemplateId, &LanguageCd, &AsOfDate, “”);
&sFileExt = GetFileExtension(&sOutputFormat);

/* display the output */

catch Exception &Err
Local string &sSub1, &sSub2, &sSub3, &sSub4, &sSub5;
Evaluate &Err.SubstitutionCount
When > 4
&sSub5 = &Err.GetSubstitution(5);
When > 3
&sSub4 = &Err.GetSubstitution(4);
When > 2
&sSub3 = &Err.GetSubstitution(3);
When > 1
&sSub2 = &Err.GetSubstitution(2);
When > 0
&sSub1 = &Err.GetSubstitution(1);
Error MsgGet(&Err.MessageSetNumber, &Err.MessageNumber, &Err.ToString(), &sSub1, &sSub2, &sSub3, &sSub4, &sSub5);